

The aftermath of an invigorating conference like Content Marketing World is usually two-fold:

  • I walk away inspired and empowered to pursue my passions.
  • While all that inspiration is surging through me, I go through the recovery phase, which includes a blue period, missing the constant interaction, and recharging from that constant interaction.

You can call me a lot of things but “simple” isn’t one of them.

There’s usually a third phase but I’ve come to accept that particular phase to be a constant in my life. I try to push it out of my mind and forget about it. At times, I’m fooled into thinking I’ve conquered it but it returns at the most inconvenient times to cripple my progress.

As entrepreneurs, we don’t talk about fears as often unless it’s in a book, we’re asked about it, or there’s a listicle on Forbes quoting something we mentioned in a conversation.

We all have fears.

We don’t volunteer this information because we think it makes us look weak.

Maybe it does. Maybe after reading this blog, you’ll reconsider your opinion of me. You have that freedom.  (more…)